Top 8 acne treatment Tips

1. Fruits that have lots of acid make great acne-fighting facial masks. Fruits and vegetable are rich in acid that help treat acne problems. Eating fruits and vegetables is a must if you want to be acne free quickly.2. Crush some garlic and gently daub on acne. A lot of people have said that garlic is one of the best acne home remedies they have ever tried. Garlic is a great natural acne treatment because of its properties and health benefits.3. Reduce acne swelling by using ice. Ice will reduce inflammation and shrink the size of pores. Cover your acne with ice when it gets swollen.4. Use pulp of Papaya to cover face. Papaya fruit is a great source of Vitamin A, an antioxidant vitamin that hinders the overproduction of sebum which is a major cause of acne read more

Sunday, December 2, 2007

The Easiest Ways To Treat Acne Naturally At Home

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Treating acne at home is becoming more and more popular these days as people begin to realize that many pharmaceutical acne medications are not as effective as promised and often have unpleasant side effects. Today I am going to show you some of the easiest ways to treat acne naturally at home and discuss why they are so effective. By forming an acne treatment program using natural remedies you not only help yourself by cutting down on harsh chemicals but also the environment as well, which is another major benefit.

Using lemon juice as a topical lotion is one of the easiest, and best ways to treat acne naturally. Lemon juice can be applied every day to the entire face, or to localized areas which need the most treatment. To prepare it you need to take a fresh, small lemon, remove the rind and cut the flesh into small cubes. Lightly rub one of the cubes over the skin and then discard. The other cubes can be placed in the refrigerator and will keep for a few days but after that will start to deteriorate. Allow the juice to soak into the skin for 10-15 minutes then rinse off with lukewarm water. Before you apply the juice you should clean your face with lukewarm water as well. If you are applying the lemon juice to single pimples (as opposed to the entire face) then you do not need to wash the juice off. The only reason for washing the juice off when it is applied to the entire face is that walking around with a sticky face all day is more than just a little bit inconvenient!

Why is lemon juice a great way to treat acne naturally? Firstly, lemon juice has an antibacterial effect which helps to kill the specific bacteria that collect in the pores of the skin and then go on to cause acne. Because one of the main constituents of lemon juice, citric acid, is water-seeking it acts to dehydrate the bacteria and therefore eliminate them. The citric acid in lemon juice also helps to reduce the amount of oil on the skin and therefore remove one of the essential components of acne. As with all medical treatments you should test lemon juice on a small patch of skin first and if problems such as excessive itchiness or irritation arise, stop using it.

Another one of the easiest ways to treat acne is by increasing your daily intake of water. This can be done at home, in the car, at work, at the mall - anywhere! Although it is recommended that you drink eight glasses of water a day, I personally believe that this is not enough. From my experience, you should drink around 4 liters of water a day, spaced out through the day. When you first start increasing your water intake you will notice yourself needing to go to the toilet much more than often but after a while this will become less of a problem as your body gets used to the amount of fluid you're providing it with. Remember that you can also drink too much water so take it slow, and if you start feeling ill then reduce your intake to a more suitable level.

Water is effective as a way of treating acne naturally because it helps to cleanse the body of toxins and impurities that would otherwise be excreted through the skin, which then worsen the problem. Increasing water intake also helps to keep the skin well moisturized and supple so that it looks much healthier. Adequate hydration also ensures that the cells in your skin can function properly and therefore stay in good condition. Without enough water your skin cannot repair and heal itself and so acne becomes a bigger problem. By drinking plenty of water you can prevent this from occurring.

Using natural substances such as lemon juice and water is a great way to help combat acne and be kind to the environment at the same time. The remedies I have shown you today are, in my opinion, extremely effective and are also well priced when compared with most pharmaceutical treatment options. Add some lemon juice and water to your skin care regimen and you'll be making good use of some of the easiest ways possible to treat acne naturally at home.

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