Top 8 acne treatment Tips

1. Fruits that have lots of acid make great acne-fighting facial masks. Fruits and vegetable are rich in acid that help treat acne problems. Eating fruits and vegetables is a must if you want to be acne free quickly.2. Crush some garlic and gently daub on acne. A lot of people have said that garlic is one of the best acne home remedies they have ever tried. Garlic is a great natural acne treatment because of its properties and health benefits.3. Reduce acne swelling by using ice. Ice will reduce inflammation and shrink the size of pores. Cover your acne with ice when it gets swollen.4. Use pulp of Papaya to cover face. Papaya fruit is a great source of Vitamin A, an antioxidant vitamin that hinders the overproduction of sebum which is a major cause of acne read more

Sunday, December 2, 2007

How To Relieve Back Strains and Spasms

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If you have back pain, then it’s possible you’ve strained your back. Knowing what a strain is, and what causes painful back spasms is very important because there can be many reasons for that ache in your back. There are some common causes of back strains, so read on to learn what they are, and what you can do to prevent pain in your back.

Most minor back pain is the result of unintentional accidents. There are more serious chronic diseases like osteoarthritis and lupus that can cause muscle inflammation and damage. Estimates in the U.S. are that 70 billion dollars per year are spent on some type of back pain relief. From over the counter back pain medications in pill form to surgery for relief of back pain, it ranks second behind headaches as a common aliment for the average person. A lot of the back pain that you’re experiencing might be because you’re not taking care of your back.

Back pain from strains doesn’t have to come from serious accidents like a car wreck. Any sudden movement in the wrong way can twist your muscles causing a strain and spasms. Simple activities like bending over to pick an item off the floor or even throwing a ball can cause a strain, and painful muscle spasms. Another back pain cause is picking up heavy objects from the floor, or from overhead.

To keep back pain at a minimum when bending down, always use the knees to squat down, and your upper leg muscles to lift and pull up any object you’re lifting. Always keep your butt muscles under your body. By doing so, it’ll help you use them in lifting and pushing upward. Anytime your bottom is not directly underneath your when squatting and pushing upward, it’ll thrown your back out and hurt the muscles. If reaching overhead don’t handle objects of to much weight. If you do, you’ll strain the muscles from over reaching, and the weight will compress the spine and muscle leading to possibly a serious strain on a muscle.

There are other ways you can cause muscle damage, too. The over use of muscles, holding a position to long with a heavy object in hand, and repetitive movement of the muscles in your back can cause a muscle strain. A preventive measure to guard against muscle strain is to break your workload up, and to warm up before you begin work. In fact, before you begin any type of physical job or exercise routine, always warm up with a gentle stretching of the back. If you’re holding a position to long, set down the object and switch to another group of muscles to help relieve the pressure and strain on your back. Your muscles that are not worked on a regular basis can become strained too. You’ll need to exercise routinely to have strong muscles in the back.

Finally, muscle strain in the back can be caused by poor posture. Poor posture really puts pressure on the back, and pain is most often noticed in the lower back area. If you’ve got poor posture the pain is usually because the spine and the muscles are stretched beyond its normal range. The muscles, ligaments and disks in your spine if you have swayback, are pushed excessively inward at the lower back. Pain is felt in the lower back with swayback. A flattened back is another posture no-no. If your pelvis is tilted to far toward the back, all the muscles and the supporting structure of the ligaments are stretched, and it will cause pain. Rounded shoulders are the result of having poor supporting chest muscles, and upper back strength. Rolling your head to far forward can cause havoc on your back and radiate pain in the back too. By rolling your head too far forward, your esophagus and diaphragm are compressed. This prevents any oxygen from getting to your muscles. Your body needs oxygen to keep muscles supple and not tense. A vicious circle of bad posture and lack of oxygen to your muscles will make them tense, and cause back pain. Use corrective exercises to make your back strong, and incorporate good posture. You’ll not have to worry about straining your muscles and be pain free if you do.

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