Top 8 acne treatment Tips

1. Fruits that have lots of acid make great acne-fighting facial masks. Fruits and vegetable are rich in acid that help treat acne problems. Eating fruits and vegetables is a must if you want to be acne free quickly.2. Crush some garlic and gently daub on acne. A lot of people have said that garlic is one of the best acne home remedies they have ever tried. Garlic is a great natural acne treatment because of its properties and health benefits.3. Reduce acne swelling by using ice. Ice will reduce inflammation and shrink the size of pores. Cover your acne with ice when it gets swollen.4. Use pulp of Papaya to cover face. Papaya fruit is a great source of Vitamin A, an antioxidant vitamin that hinders the overproduction of sebum which is a major cause of acne read more

Sunday, December 2, 2007


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Summary on Hair Loss
Hair is a living protein, and as with any living part of our bodies we must be sure to maintain proper health to optimize our chances of maintaining a healthy head of hair. Proper nutrition is vital to maintaining healthy hair, since the hair is a living and growing part of the body’s system. Viewing it in this manner can help us to treat our bodies different and raise expectations through proper care. A healthy balanced diet, occasionally with the help of vitamin and mineral supplements and exercise are all key components to a healthy regimen of maintaining healthy hair.

Male Pattern Baldness (MPB) or androgenetic alopecia is the condition that over 95% of persons that suffer hair loss have, and it is caused by a rise in DHT, a direct component of testosterone. The scientific developments of the past two decades have brought hope and promise to many who suffer with this type of hair loss. Treatments like Rogaine®, Rogaine® for Women, Propecia, and improved surgical treatments have brought relief to many who would have previously had to settle for gradual hair loss, wigs, or hairpieces. The discovery of the role of DHT in preventing hair loss has even opened the doors to possible herbal solutions to hair loss prevention, such as saw palmetto, nettles, rosemary and horsetail. Even more promising is the fact that the hair loss commonly known as androgenetic alopecia is found to occur mainly in Western civilization or those who have adopted the ways of Western civilization, meaning that there may be dietary practices that contribute to hair loss and therefore giving hope to the possibility that diet could control not only temporary hair loss, but androgenetic alopecia as well.

Doctors and scientists are studying DHT production in the body to understand it more thoroughly. There is an obvious link to hair loss and prostatic health and this only increases the pace of hair loss discoveries. Most treatments for prostatic diseases such as benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) also have the pleasant side affect of growing hair on the heads of those taking it. With the pace of research and discoveries today, there is a great deal of optimism in the field of hair loss prevention. Hair is an important part of our dress and appearance, therefore a large part of our self-esteem. It is likely that there are answers for your situation presently or coming in the near future.

Remember, the restoration of hair growth is not an overnight process. The process takes time regardless of the method chosen. Be patient and follow as much of the advice given by professionals as possible. Keep in mind that the body is a system, and it is the abuse of this system by food intake and environmental causes that lead to most common hair loss. Through returning the body back to its natural state, hair growth can be restored. Good health to you!

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